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  Friday, March 15, 2024 WORLD SWEEP DAY? NO. SLEEP DAY. OH, NEVERMIND!           60 in the air. 61 in the pool. Degrees to or through which we navigate, contemplate, the breeze light, sky, appearing ‘sky’ blue, because we just can’t capitulate to cornflower blue being the color of the day, because, you know, CORN. It’s yellow, and the sky here even though it actually isn’t blue (The trick is the light and our eyes.), it’s on a color chart comparison, titled thus, and close enough to what we’re now and have been witnessing. ========= Saturday, March 16, 2024           PARSIFAL Mozaic? No, that’s not it. Pernicious. Perfidy. Untenable. WHAT is the deal that gets you out of bed going so full of “?” that you simply must MOVE? Some way shape form of pattern(s). SPRING? In the air? IN your step? Practicality. You would feel much more at rest and at ease if simply it would be (you consider...
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  Georgia, the type font, nothing to do with votes and that ilk. Stupid thing. An explosion or 2 out and about. Were both done on this day? The one in Nashville was. But, what about that other one in the highrise tower, inside the offices that was home to the HQ of the Power Department? Was it even a highrise? A tower? And, of the ka-bloomie in the South, just where in Nashville, and, though we're grateful you called it in and we took you at your word and peopled out the place, WHAT IN THE HELL IS WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? Merry Christmas? Damn, the pusher-man!!!


  NOW IS ALL WE HAVE AND ALL WE WILL EVER POSSESS       Friday, 20 October 2023 “With peach blossoms ahead of me and snow behind me, how dare I turn my horse back now?”—Chinese Poet. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, wrote, "What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace."          Whatever the ___ that was. Heaven/Hell? Real/Imagined? ‘Girl, that was idiotic!’ Where were we? What were we? WHY?! What was it all about? A chorale sings in high registering voices, A cappella, “This was what it was, your life, ooo-aaah.” THE END.          You never had free will? You were just a capsule for feeling thought and were indubitably all along the way, TOLD what was, but you thought on your own too, and you didn’t like a lot of it.          Truly, a tonne was enjoyable and maybe on balance a measure that c...


Type face-Normal. HAH! This is the new normal. It's too bad that with the update of this whole thing it's no longer showing all those years of postings I've accomplished. And, that, to think, all that work, effort, VOOP! Gone. The cool "author" photo is nonexistent as well as the goofy bio. Can't wait for this to be redone and have all forgiven and sorted like the way it was before. One can HOPE. It's what it's for.


MON. MAR. 16th, 2020     One sort of wonders...what other nasty, skull-duggery is going on over there, as the pandemic prestidigitation goes forth, increasingly more onerous, what's also on the sea-change docket those that pull and push the crowd, have going on underfoot. It makes one wonder.


I don't know if even this is valid anymore. Blogs? What indeed is the point? We could say something topical, say for instance, we made it a point to enjoy the animated feature film, NE ZHA, after work, Thursday. Or maybe that we enjoyed THE GOLDFINCH, yesterday morning, but what would be the point? No one cares.

Tired Of The Day

Yup. Tired. The sandwich those chips that beer and all that water, have passed me by. I spent way too much and have ordered more tiny flashlights I clearly do not need. Almost ordered more shorts for work, but BALKED at the 60+ price delivered to my door. I do not care for. I may look in person tomorrow, but after yet another check for the as ever growing credit card bill...exacting still torture...remorse...and tons of philosophical conundrums angst ennui, etc., et al....well, when is enough plenty? Even Samuel Langhorne Clemmons is nigh on being excoriated in public. The Lone Ranger had his testicles reduced in size, cgi wise, on the screen the other day. Another actor was replaced completely. The scenes reshot. Wow. Today, Matt Lauer, tomorrow...YOU? The Doctor warned us about it years ago, but he was just mentioning unfair treatment by the ordinary legal system, I think. The latter folks, personally I don't know and have had zero experience with, but 1, and he was just in my...