“With peach blossoms ahead of me and snow behind me,
how dare I turn my horse back now?”—Chinese Poet.
John Wesley,
the founder of the Methodist church, wrote, "What one generation
tolerates, the next generation will embrace."
the ___ that was. Heaven/Hell? Real/Imagined?
‘Girl, that was idiotic!’ Where were we? What were we?
WHY?! What was it all about? A chorale sings in high registering voices, A
cappella, “This was what it was, your life, ooo-aaah.” THE END.
never had free will? You were just a capsule for feeling thought and were
indubitably all along the way, TOLD what was, but you thought on your own too,
and you didn’t like a lot of it.
Truly, a
tonne was enjoyable and maybe on balance a measure that could be perceived as
equal, but it’s not in this view. It’s not possible to remove one’s outlook to
get a glimpse. There’s really no way of knowing. One can suspect, however. A
person can guess, this is true, and hope that it is, all things considered,
somewhere removed, out. Over there, looking over. But we are not granted that
here/now. Here in the mix, the skin itches. Now on our arms and then sides of
the belly. Upon waking all is calm. There’s darkness and peace. No storm. Very
little noise. One smack plank of a newspaper (imagined), hitting on the
driveway of our neighbours’ house. But no knowledge this is true. There is no
more news. It’s just noise and the mind if you’re aware of the way. The way is
acceptance, for what is. Otherwise, it’s madness and everyone knows this. But
it’s tricky. How to accommodate? Acclimate? To be an observer as the mind and
senses go through whatever all is, they will.
{{ You’d
do better to thank GOD for the PAIN than to complain and ask for it to cease,
so you can have a better life. Thank GOD you have PAIN. }}
all stupid and we will die. If we were all smart, we would still die but maybe
we would have a better go in life. Maybe happy and content? Or maybe not. With
greater knowledge comes greater vexation, right? Then hang the sense. Let it
go. But how can we? Why would not a sentient being try to make what is, better?
Ease. Less pain, discomfort, confusion. Why not dilute, vying for what seems
reasonable, logical, best, in any given? Why not? Why wouldn’t you? “Then we
are stupid and we will die.” -Pris, BLADE RUNNER, film from 1983. Is that
correct? How long do I have? Who cares? Let us make the best of what is. Don’t
waste time trying to prolong. It is out of our control to the major extent.
Make the best of here and now, here, and now. Because it is really all we have
or know that we know we have. And what do we have really? ANYTHING? What do we
have? Perceptions. “You have nothing in your hands, what power you have comes
from somewhere far beyond.” Jesus said to Pontius Pilot in Jesus Christ
Superstar, the movie. (In the Musical as well?)
Are we
all, because, how are we not(?), all FACETS of goD? GOD-god-looking, seeing,
being aware? Is this not what is?
always know that I love you more than anything else in the world” –NOTEBOOK
from Korea.
want consciousness. But we have. Wanted sleep-unconsciousness, but we don’t
have. Have hunger now. Did go to the bathroom. The light out now is bright and
getting more so. None of our ritual ‘nadar desnudo’. We’ll go swimming later, inside a specially built suit
of black nylon shorts. We may eat, but not until after swimming. We may get to
write, but don’t know how much we’ll be able to accomplish. Can we marry notes
we started in the bathroom notebook and type write on the laptop in Word what
we have here? Will it all make sense? I wanted to. But what do we have? There
were other things to say. Over the days of consciousness, philosophic ideas
ranged, coalesced, and cohered. We thought we had something. What was growing?
Loss? Is/Was, what it all is? All of losing and being acclimated(?)
IF as we assume, life is just
something over there, then why the INTENSITY of it HERE? What is with that? We
demand to know the purpose. Why is that? I don’t know. Why ask why, when
obviously we’ll never know? Do we know this? We do not. We don’t know, either
way. THAT, WE DO “KNOW”. We know that we don’t know, whether we like it, or can
endure it, or not.
this fella released a study that said We Don’t Have Free Will. Maybe we do.
Perhaps we don’t. A lot of the deals we make or things that are, occur as a
result of a tonne of excess baggage we’re loaded with at outset. But we can
undermine them, can’t we? We can circumvent some things, certainly. We could
kill ourselves to prevent that unknown, ‘out of our hands,’ death thing, right?
Nothing to laugh about or encourage, I’d venture. A very serious personal thing
to be sure. I’m certain though, some people are more pro/con, on the idea due
to genes and other factors out of our control…so, again, it’s leading to the ‘there’s
no free will,’ argument, is it not? And, today too, some folks released a study
that indicates or is telling us, that of people who live past/beyond certain
ages, their BLOOD has “certain” properties…so, AGAIN, right there, I’d say,
it’s out of our hands, especially on that score. Not everyone gets or even
wants to be a Magician or Fighter of Fires. They say, (These nebulous ‘others’,
collectively ‘entitled’ “THEY”.), persistently harp on us endlessly, with conviction, that, ‘we
can be who/whom or whatever we want to be’…I do not consider it sagacious. It’s
just not so. Besides, what would it look like? Who would milk the cows or fill
the sausages, if all we had were ballerina clowns with beards and red lipstick?
I was
born a man. Some folks are born as women. They face menses, right? Got to have
a fallopian tube to be a woman, correct? Chicks with dicks? Not women. It’s
clear some people are troubled, and that again is genetic, I’d say, for
starters. And then too, their upbringing or lack thereof. Whatever their
environment dictates. Pun? Well, what about what is in the WATER? Anything
there? Jack D. Ripper, going to be proactive and initiate the strike? Like Dr.
Strangelove? Strange Love Indeed! What good will that do? If we look around,
hard enough, deep, carefully, it seems we are able to detect legions of
civilisations…using this term “loosely,” to be certain, that have come and gone
and have gone due to great violence in either their ways/wars, or the world’s
own cyclical closed system biosphere. We’re stupid, repeatedly. We will die.
DON’T REALLY know exactly what it is that occurs when you die and so you guess.
You theorize, pose hypotheticals. You make feature length documentary films.
Interviewing people who have ‘technically’ died, and they have STORIES TO
TELL!!! This is more or less, all there is to it, because unless you die, you
really don’t know. More to the point, not one person living does. ‘To conquer
death, you only have…to…die.’ -Jesus, Jesus Christ Superstar, (Again!) We all
die. That is about all there is to knowing anything about it. A faith-based
assumption comes into being, to play. It is we hope that…but really, we cannot
comprehend. There is no way of knowing until we ‘actually’ die. But it is
certain, we die. That is about all there is to it. (So far.)
We know
others who have. We see and know of those who go. And for all of it, we’re left
behind as it were. They leave us. We, stay ‘here’, for whatever it is. Whatever
reason…and, for that matter, they ‘leave’, for pretty much the same ‘unknown’.
Beyond of course the usual extant, long-time illness, all of a sudden,
everyone wakes up 2 days later, not having their legs broken like most of the
people placed in caves with rocks rolled in front of the openings back
then…yeah. Broke their legs. Not for Jesus. They didn’t break his legs. Anyone
know just why that was? Why was it standard operating procedure to break the
legs of crucifixion experiencers? Did some, like Lazarus, who also didn’t have
his bones crushed, wasn’t crucified, just go for a walk after the cave respite?
Breaking the bones would certainly nix that, eh? There’s no way anyone with
broken legs would be able to yawn, stretch the gams and then hop on a boat at
the shore and sail to Japan for some denouement over there, eh? No sirree!!
Can we change? Can we alter the givens of what we have who we are and move to
what we desire? Can we do this despite or even because of the physical pain
we're having and of course care not one whit for (we wish even would leave and
be gone forever of course) but we suspect it'll only get worse as the days and
years go by and finally when we're free of "whatever" we don't won't
can't be able to enjoy a kind of irony, because life is too full. Full
of it. Everything. Damn. Shame. Damn shame. It's a damn shame, isn't it?
Serenity. It is the knowing of changing what we can, like that prayer, eh?
Accepting that which we cannot. And wisdom is to know the difference. Not keep
battering our heads against the solid brick walls in/of life, hurting ourselves
and most likely others around us in the process.
this is all just a story to tell, an entertainment while we’re here, because
certainly it’s not realistic to assume even that while we can locate and suss
and figure and construe some things, and be quite spot on, correct and true, it
goes without saying that it’s most probably so that we’re only unearthing what
has been before and certainly if even believed or carried on, will be lost and
or forgotten in time, only to be…you see where we’re going with this? It’s not
a long version of a suicide note. No. It’s not that. It’s lamentable but not a
lament. It’s not a precursor for what is going to happen “after”, other than
that we will die. But hope is not at our own doing. Not by our hands, as it
were. Hope not. Hope that what will be so is that we’ll just leave one fine
day. Boomp. The End. Nothing more, nothing more. Certainly so.
Because we, you, I, cannot add
to this. We cannot remove and some how make better what already is. Nope. We conceive
not. Seems clear there is nothing else other than but what is. You deal with it
as best you’re able, given the tools and talents you have, and with them, you
strive and struggle with the givens and choices you make as best you’re able.
Guilt Free you hope, because really…you didn’t as far as you know, choose to be
here. How can we any of us really be so charged with crimes? Aren’t we all in our
own way innocent? Sure, there are rules and laws to physics and society, and we
impose what we’re able onto each other in order to be…get along…exist…for the
time. But really, what else otherwise is there? There’s nothing. We’re on our
own. We’re with GOD. GOD is with us, and really, how can we not be part of it? Faces
Of It. Be still and know that I am God. What is that? What is it?
judgment an assessment, for what? What is ‘after’? What, fornicating with a
thousand virgins? There’s no reason for sex in the afterlife…if there even is
one. It’s ridiculous. There was created sex here for procreation…to replicate,
reproduce. Make more. And many do/have, and continue, for inexplicable reasons,
it seems, when faced with the stupidity of the species. We’re idiots, that’s
clear. Dumb…I wish we were. Many of us could be silenced and it would be nice.
Stupid, because we don’t have the sense which should be common, communicated
throughout the lands oceans and say, peace. Peace be unto you. And unto you,
peace. Yeah, right. Sure. How’s that working out for us? Not so much. Not so
much at all.
BOTHERS me but not as much as it bothers me more that it seems we’ve failed as
a person, a human being, that has procured or generated his own fears, to keep
from living life to the full, and one is to try to live life as best one is
able, to the fullest extent possible, right?
One is born
or put on this wonky glutinous orb for bravery, yes? Face the odds, and
everything like this, right? Face fear and say, “I don’t fear you!” You’re not
supposed to sulk or slink or slither along to create fear and subsequently not
we for the most part, until I got older, have considered that we are, or we have
been, quite clever in life, and how to live it. But of course, as the game
goes, where one makes gobs of the filthy lucre, that all of us desires to have teem,
or that we light out for territorially, making so much of it, that one has only
big money problems, and none of the ‘well, we can’t afford that, this, the
other, so we’re going to have to learn to live without’, we have been an
absolute grade A-1 disaster artist! Yeah. NO, I mean, we’re a failure in the money-making
hand over fist not a worry whatsoever. Pull the ladder up, Jake. I’m all
But, so
what? The REAL DEAL of life is all off the clock unrecorded hours of
incidences, where one smiles, waves, laughs. He who holds doors open for a
stranger. Waits in the parking lot and waves the other person to the spot. Does
so just because. Not considering an “Atta Boy!!” For no good reason,
whatsoever. That’s the real prime time deal prize at the end of the road in
middle of the minute right here and now. The truth in how to live life in FULL.
To be a good influence as it were. And to for of by this, well, I think we’ve gone
a long way in it. We’ve done a fair job as it were, if we do say so, and
obviously we do/have.
AND we
all know that life and living in life is more than just a sum of its parts.
It’s more complicated than that… We know that it’s a showcase for pieces and
people and places in it. We know of the wonders and awe so incredibly
gob-smacking powerful to be barely acceptable in its presence…the GOD moments
as it were…beautiful passes in time where one tears up with overwhelming
gratitude. We know it. We KNOW. But it is about all there is to know.
life defined is rather like loading of the turd motif into a trust fund,
watching the ponderous elephantine leviathan beast make and excrete, for the
inevitable crunch at the end.
lay down your life for your fellow being in sacrifice. The poor youth does
willingly for the idiotic general at another end for some stupid reasonings
we’ll never comprehend. The fighter of conflagrations too must be honoured by
their heroic deeds, of course, the doctors, nurses, etc., for their parts as
well. And although we don’t have awards banquets and shows for people who take
out your garbage, maybe we should. THINK, why do we care about awards
programmes with rich people giving one another slaps? They play heroes, but so
what? Who cares if people who have sex with animals are included in this life?
We should pay for their medical and disability insurance? Pay for their parades
and honor their shows with T-shirts, Banners and Stickers? They’re people too,
we suppose…but so what if someone has an ethnicity that’s different? They
require a special compensation or day off or should have banks closed for
holiday? No. People are different. It’s absolutely no question about it
fantastic and terrific and wonderful for sure. No doubt. Great! We’re different
as well. We don’t require a holiday. We don’t need a bank to cease operations
for us periodically. Nope. In fact, we require it OPEN. We would love to have
the kiosk work for us after hours. It doesn’t in some places now because the
‘disenfranchised’ come in and utilize the facilities as a temporary housing
shelter. Have to stop that nonsense, now don’t we? Of course. No more
afterhours kiosk. Moral Kiosk indeed. Go scratch your sandals elsewhere, thank
you very much. No magic pillow for you!
said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” in the good news according to
John. The way to God, fine. To live and then set yourself up for death by suicide
as an innocent, by the State? No thank you. Being a witness, yes. Martyr, in
the sense your life is sacrificed for something? No, I don’t see it for us. At
least, I hope it does not come to be. The word martyr means witness. Hope is,
it doesn’t mean living witlessly. I mean, I would not want to live and know not
about my death in the sense that here I am living in the world, and it is
changing, moving on beyond us too rapidly even as the slow world churns…does
it? The proverbial Frog in the Pot of H2O. The story goes that, you could boil
it, have a nice Amphibian stew, if you gradually increase the temperature,
without its noticing. YIKES! How horrific, horrible. Horror Show for sure. What
a ‘hollow’ ween tale to tell, indeed!! Is it high time we all of us ween our
selves off the tit of state, and tell it NO MORE BOMBS? Stop It, RIGHT NOW!!
Unequivocally, it must be. How do we change all of this? Must we be sad
complicit strangers in this nonsense of machinery that like we fear of Arty-Functional
Unintelligence (Lack of GOD given intelligence and induced intuition.), reliant
on other means for creativity or creatively generating work-life people can
rely upon?
I want
to make my own stuff up. I want to live in a country that doesn’t say and then
do things a people involved with don’t want done. I don’t want us to kill.
We’re killing. WHY? Can we not stop it? Can it not be stopped? What has to be
done? Must we all protest? Must we all be slaughtered like people with
differing beliefs in an arena show? Why can’t we go beyond all this? What is it
going to take? How does it get changed? Can it be?
I feel
as if I’m a stupid person in a lame fuck-a-round circle of my own machinations,
just posing endless idiosyncratic nonsense over and over, with no real purpose.
No ‘end’ in sight. But they tell me I’ll die one day. If I don’t care for
myself, I’ll die ‘earlier’ as it were. Okay. So, what does all of this or any ‘thing’
mean or matter anyway? Is it really something that I read in a book which told
us, heaven is all around you. Well, Jesus, I guess you meant as well that, it’s
obvious that hell is all around us as well, because, depending on the view, the
framework, one can see that a glass of water is either half empty or half
completely full…and or it does indeed runneth over. But so what? It’s all
dependent upon our ‘needs’. We’ll ‘suffer’ wanting to get away from pain or desiring
love of some ‘thing’ person, place of whatever, what have you, over there. We suffer
or get a journey of life in either case. We’ll ‘experience’ it. Consider
ourselves lucky.
Like to
say one is fortunate when one has a Cricket in one’s home. Well, one doesn’t
have a Tiger outside one’s gate. The former’s good luck. The latter, bad.
Right? Is not it so? Is it not so?
I mean
to say, is it so that, ultimately, nothing matters? Nothing is the matter. NO
‘thing’ is the matter. The meaningful, most, thing. VOID. Nothingness. Empty.
NON. Nothing. That that is the ‘The’?
I don’t know. Can’t say or tell definitively.
Until one is, no “one” no ‘thing’, one will not be able to ascertain if it is
true or not. HERE, one “IS”. That is all one ‘knows’. Because one can’t live on
the premise there’s a paradise after or a hell either. No way. I can see where
there’s the control factor…that it’s an opiate of the masses. I can completely
understand why one would say that. But why would you want to? Why can’t you
leave people alone? Because they’re stupid and cannot possibly be trusted? Is this
any reason why not to try to be good? Is there any reason why one should try to
control others to be good with to for of by one another? That’s what the laws
and codes and regulations and stipulations, oaths and everything else and
otherwise is all about, isn’t it? People trying amidst impossibility, to be
better or the best possible, for easing suffering, to make things easier…and
though people try their best, failure is still present. Heaven and Hell. And
all any one of us can do is watch really. We participate as we are able…those
that do and are genetically we supposed inclined…because there are plenty who
are not predisposed to give a tinker’s cuss…for anyone or thing but self. And a
person can’t control it. Maybe it all is about loss and letting it all go is what
living the best life a person can do/be is all about.
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